Monday, September 21, 2015

8 possible impacts of Facebook Dislike Button Introduction

Be ready to face the change. Facebook declared that they started working on Dislike button. It’s like nothing much can be done even we don’t want it or not. We can just remain seated to see our status being disliked. You might spend a great deal of time in editing your photos and then finally upload in Facebook just to be disliked by your friends. 
But that will be just within short distance of impact the dislike button will exert. If we position our spectacles and look little farther, we will be surprised by the magnitude of changes it has brought in our society and social media altogether. Let us see the areas in which its maximum impacts will be visible.

Social Media Users

It will really change the behaviors and mentality of social media users. They will be more cautious of what they are going to post on their walls. Otherwise it will be discouragement if a post gets more dislikes than likes. 

Online Marketing

Social media critics are of the view that Facebook dislike button will really bring paradigm shift in online marketing strategies and techniques. People have now options either to vote like or dislike. If dislikes out-number likes then the product will not receive good customers. People may judge looking at the number of likes and dislikes. 

Online Marketers

The capabilities of online marketers in marketing products and reaching targeted customers will be really tested. Their clients may pay commissions as per number of likes or dislikes their marketed product lots received. Only online marketing professionals can remain in the business. This will improve online business. 

No. of Facebook Pages

Facebook considers any individual as a celebrity if his/her number of friends cross 5k. A person once crosses this level; he/she will be reminded by Facebook in creating a fan page. So many people go on creating their own fan page just because they have more than 5k friends. This often makes us wonder in what area they are celebs. But this will be looked after by dislike button.

Makes Comparison Legit

Facebook dislike button will bring a potential to make any form of comparison more trustworthy. Till now we couldn’t compare things that are more or less same in nature. Facebook has remained on positive side. People must have kept clicking like just they aren’t given choice to dislike it.

On Sharing of Articles

Facebook has been one of the finest and easiest forum for sharing our own essays or poems. With the introduction of dislike button, people will have a fear of their articles being disliked. There will lesser number of people who are willing and are sharing their articles in Facebook compare to before coming of dislike button.

Harmony in Social Media

This button will really give some impacts on harmonious existence of users in social media. Their mentalities will be changed. People will be provided with a choice to down-vote. A person whose post is being disliked may become sentimental and then also dislike a person who had disliked his post. This may spread making co-existence among users less harmonious.   

Social Media user Interactions

The manner in which people interact with each other through social media will be changed. Some may be easily fall into tench of abusive snares by horrible unknown people.  

Read: Is launching of Facebook Dislike Button a Good News for Social Media Users?  

1 comment:

  1. Is it really true brother?? if so, I feel like they have targeted me because I will get more dislikes than likes...Upsetting news for me..:)


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