Tuesday, September 15, 2015

10 Lies my parents told me but which are logically good

When I was small, my parents have really told me lies. I realize them just now as being true lies. But when I logically analyze them now, I think those lies were used by them to keep me glued at where or how they wanted me to be. If you are also a child born in mid 90s and raised in villages, you should have heard some of these lies from your parents also.
1. I used to love salt so much. I think I must have eaten salt beyond limit. Therefore, my parents came up with a lie that eating salt will make my bones and teeth weak. I believed and didn't take salt with other foods then. I later learned that it was just opposite. 

2. In jungle throwing of rocks and sending boulders down rolling used to be fun. But my parents used to have a saying that one who has sent them will be made to carry them back in their positions and that also hanging on the testicles. 

3. When my parents and neighbors drink together, I used to feel tempted to try few sips. But my parents used to say that drinking will shrink children's ears. So I had to accept it as I couldn't imagine how someone with shrunken ears would look like.

4. My parents used to tell that an ability of a child in eating chili is a symbol of quick growth. I wanted to prove them that I was growing faster. So I never asked another curry though my mouth burned with chilies. 

5. During earthquake, we children were indirectly instructed to remain inside house without running outside. Ap Naka is being believed to be just below our ladder with an opened-sack readying to take us away. 

6. During Losars, getting of feathers to make arrows will be hard. So I used to chase our hens to cut their feathers. When my parents told me that my fingers will be cut by those hens when I die, I had to forgo it. I just couldn't imagine pain of cutting off my fingers. 

7. If I at all don't listen what my parents used to tell me to do, they had this saying that my hands will shake when I grow up. So I have to believe them as my father appeared funny when his hands turn shaky on picking up a cup. 

8. When I was small, lice were the common parasites on our head. My mother used to pick them and throw away during leisure. But when I don't give her to pick, she used to tell that I will be dragged to river by them. So I had to let her pick them forgetting about playing with my friends. 

9. I was made to believe that whistling at night will invite demons. Since we were explained about the looks of demons by our elders already, I didn't whistle at night.

10. My sister and I used to go rooftop with our shares-filled plates and cup every meal. When my parents told us that when we are at that height, jealous demon will come from back and push us down, we believed it and didn't climb rooftop then.

Your Turn
If you have some of such lies heard from your parents during your childhood days, please share with us.     

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