Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How to add simple per post page-views counter in Blogger?

We want to see and keep track of how our blogs are doing. Number of back-links, comments, followers and also page-views in a day, month or year are some basis to judge success of the blog.  
Out of those parameters, I usually love to consider page-views as more realistic basis. 

There are many tools that help us to know the page-views our blogs have received in day, month or year. Some of them are:
  • Google Webmaster
  • Google Analytics
  • Quantcast
But they show sort of overall page-views. At the max they give us a list of top 10 highly viewed posts. Nothing more than that. We, as bloggers, want something more - the total views every individual post has received. 

Read: How to use Google Webmaster & Google Analytics to know a blog's health?
The overall page-views report is also there in blogger dashboard. There is also a feature to show top 10 highly viewed posts and also 10 countries from where maximum people visited our blogs. 

Read: 10 effective and professional methods to increase your blog's page-views?   
I have already said. That is not enough. We want to know the page-views received by every article we have posted in our blogs. If possible, we want them to be displayed as counter in the header of article.
In recent times, blogger has allowed adding of per post page-views counter in our blogs. But it entails adding of some HTML codes in our current blogger templates. There are some other third party tools that can be used to add feature of per post page-views counter. 

Read: How to add professional HTML Box inside Blogger post?
The good news is that this tool won't reduce the loading speed of your blog unlike other similar tools. It's also simple and effective. Let us add it in our blog-because we want to display page-views every post has received to our readers. 
How does it look? Excellent, right? So without wasting much time, let me guide through step by step in adding this feature in your blog too.
Login to your blog>Template>Edit HTML>Find (Ctrl+F) the give HTML code:
<div class='post-header-line-1'> 
Just below the above code, add the given HTML code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><img height='16' src='http://forums.bit-tech.net/images-light/misc/stats.gif' width='16'/><img alt='counter' expr:src='&quot;http://demo.bloggerwidgets.cz.cc/counter.php?page=&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&amp;digit=4&quot;'/>  <b>Views</b><b:else/><img height='16' src='http://forums.bit-tech.net/images-light/misc/stats.gif' width='16'/><img alt='counter' expr:src='&quot;http://demo.bloggerwidgets.cz.cc/counter2.php?page=&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&amp;digit=4&quot;'/>  <b>Views</b></b:if>
Once it's being add, click on save template and you're done. Congratulation for having per post page-views counter in your blog. Click on view blog to see if it has been installed. Thanks 

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