Wednesday, September 9, 2015

10 reasons for a Blog to have its own Facebook Page

Facebook is also becoming one of the top traffic generating sites for any blogger. People today use Facebook as much as they use Google. Therefore, to improve the traffic of a blog, one must try to leverage the potentials of it. And creation of a Facebook page for it is one of the ways. Let us see few reasons as to why a blog should have Facebook Page: 

To Separate Blog & You 
Let us say your blog doesn’t have Facebook page and whenever you want to share its contents, you post on your Facebook Wall. This means you and your blog are one and same. To give it a separate entity status, it needs a Facebook Page. 

To give Digital Citizenship 
If you don’t create a Facebook page for your blog, you are actually not giving it a citizenship of the country named Facebook. Your blog won’t have rights in Facebook like other blogs that have their own pages. 

To Expand Readership 
If you don’t have Facebook page and whenever you feel like sharing any content of your blog, the extent to which your shared post will reach is within the circle of your Facebook friends. Unless you create a page and then start sharing post through it, the readership of your blog will never get expanded. 

To Improve Blog Traffic 
When Facebook page is being created, you are actually opening another door from where people who have potentials to bring traffic to your blog can enter. 

To Respond Messages 
All your blog readers may not love to mail you their suggestions, queries or complaints to your Email Address. Some of them may love to directly message them on Facebook. So creating Facebook page for your blog will actually provide another choice for them. 

To Create Community 
A community here means a group of people who have admire the same work or pursuit. A group admiring same person usually actors or athletes will be called as fans. So your blog needs a page to have its own well-defined community. 

To Advertise Blog 
If you want to improve the traffic by advertising your blog in Facebook, you cannot do so unless you have created separate page for it. 

To Add Likes Box 
You must have seen a gadget showing number of people who have liked the blog with their faces in some blogs. This is nothing but a Facebook Likes Box embedded as Gadget in blog. Is it cool? But to have that in your blog, first you need Facebook Page being created on its name. 

To Analyze Feeds 
Blogger provides facility to analyze the overall feeds of the blog. But if you want to analyze its feeds from Facebook, you need its Facebook Page. 

To Study Visitors 
We cannot study the probable age groups of your blog visitors in Facebook, their nationals, and their genders unless you have Facebook Page for it. If you’re a professional blogger, you will fail to segment your customers without Facebbok Page. 

Therefore, we shouldn’t undermine the power of Facebook in blogging. It’s indeed very powerful. So we advise you to open a Facebook page for your Blog.

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