Friday, May 27, 2016

Which blog monetization program is best for Bhutanese Bloggers?

Bloggers can get registered with online content monetization programs. There are literally more than hundreds that provide this service for bloggers, affiliate marketers, website owners and also content developers. 

But number should remain as number. We shouldn’t get excited looking at the numbers of content monetization program providers. All have their own shares of advantages and limitations. We, as bloggers whose long-run goal is to make money out of our blogs should exercise well in studying their advantages and limitations. 

Time is precious. We cannot afford to waste our time spending on less helpful blog monetization programs. 

I have also studied some of such programs. I have registered in which I think would worth my time and effort. In some, though I really wish to get registered and start monetizing my blog, I couldn’t do so due to their own policies or non-availability of their services in this geographical area. I will introduce all.

Google Adsense
This is one of the best content monetization programs any experienced online marketing expert would recommend for you. 

It’s said that one can earn whenever visitors genuinely click on those ads being displayed in your website/blog footer, header, and sidebars. 

Bloggers can submit the application for it. The Adsense team will review the blog you’ve submitted and respond accordingly. The response from their side will be either approval or disapproval. Former happens for new bloggers usually.

I love Google Adsense looking at the quality of their ads formats, availability of various helps for it, mode of payment and its popularity. 

But it has a lot of restrictions and complicated policies. Your application won’t get approved in first few attempts. Since my application is also not yet in approved status, I cannot comment much about Google Adsense’s earning levels. 

Will I recommend this to Bhutanese Bloggers?
Yes. It’s quite obvious that you will get disapproved for first few instances. First develop a good contents and traffics. It’s not recommended for bloggers having less number of articles or low traffics. It’s not for few days old bloggers.

This is the best Google Adsense alternative program for blog monetization. Registration procedures are simple and rules are easy. There are also not many approval scrutiny processes like in Google Adsense. This is best recommended for new bloggers who are having few numbers of posts and traffics level is quite lower.    
Photo: Screenshot of my Infolink account

I have signed up with it few weeks before and it’s running successfully in my blog. I am earning at least $0.8 per day. And its payment threshold is $100. This means Infolinks will send your earnings when your accumulated earnings reach $100. This is quite lower when compared with other programs, which indeed is good for us. .
Viglink is another blog monetization program that is as easy as Infolinks in installation and integration with your blog. The good part of Viglink is that it doesn’t have strict approval policies like in Google Adsense or other affiliate programs. 
Photo: Screenshot of my Viglink account
Once you sign up with it and add its code in your template, things thereafter are being carried out by Viglink. Even high paid keyword linking is also done by itself. Literally you don’t have to do anything.

I have also signed up with it few weeks back. As of now, my blog couldn’t generate even a single cent out of this. May be things would change. 
Chitika is also one of my recommendations to monetize your blog. It also doesn’t have many approval procedures.

The integration and approval are very quick. But, I personally didn’t like it due to that fact of its account needing to get verified with paypal account. Since I don’t paypal account, I didn’t add this in my blog. Bloggers having paypal account can try it. It appears more tempting compare to infolinks and bidvertiser.

I personally love Bidvertiser and Infolinks more than other blog monetization programs I know of. The revenues/earnings my blog could receive in my respective account are higher in these two affiliate programs.
Photo: Screenshot of my Bidvertiser account

These two also has less approval procedures and integration is very easy. I think even primary school kid can do that. Guides are given in their respective websites.Read Here: How to register your blog with Bidvertiser to make money online.Click here to start earning from Bidvertiser: Monetize your Website or Blog with BidVertiser

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

5 star free rating widget for Blogger+Installation procedures

There are plugins to rate books, movies or any other products in self hosted WordPress blogs. You just have to install the plugin. But this isn't there for blogger. However don't freak out, we can add it as a third party gadget.

In blogger, we can install 5 star rating gadget/widget to rate blog post individually. 5 star rating gadget is some sort of readers' feedback gathering mechanism. When a reader sees the rating option just below your post, they just have to click any star to rate the post. Returning readers will be tempted to check out your blog post that has got maximum ratings.
Read: How to register your blog with Bidvertiser to make money online?
This means you also want this rating gadget installed in your blog. If that is the case, please follow my steps in getting it installed in your blogspot blog:

Login to your blogger account
Choose the blog (if you've more)
Click on Layout
Click on Add Gadget
Select HTML/JavaScript
Keep the title blank
In content, add the given HTML:
<script type="text/javascript">(function(d, t, e, m){
window._rws = window._rws || [{
huid: "313365",
 uid: "ab0d94c20f7af1fb72707290db5186ab",
source: "blogger",
options: {
"size": "medium",
"type": "nero",
"style": "thumbs",
"isDummy": false
// Append Rating-Widget JavaScript library.
var rw, s = d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0], id = "rw-blogger-js",
p = d.location.protocol, a = ("https:" == p ? "secure." +
m + "js/platform/" : "js." + m + "platform/"),
ck = "Y" + t.getFullYear() + "M" + t.getMonth() + "D" + t.getDate();
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;           
rw = d.createElement(e); = id; rw.async = true; rw.type = "text/javascript";
rw.src = p + "//" + a + "blogger.js?ck=" + ck;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(rw, s);
}(document, new Date(), "script", ""));</script>
Once you have added it, click on Save. You have added it successfully in your blog. To see whether it appears or not, click on view blog and view any post. If rating options appears below post article body, you have been successful. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

15 reasons commenting is a powerful marketing tool for Bloggers

If I were to tell something to Bhutanese bloggers, it would be for them to develop a habit of reading other blogs and leaving comments. Blog commenting is an indirect method of doing free blog advertisement. It makes sense, because unless you comment in others’ blogs, how can anybody know you too are a blogger. 
When you comment in other blogs, indirectly you are saying that you also maintain a blog and why you guys not check my blog too. There are also other reasons for why you as a blogger must develop the habit of commenting in other blogs.

#1 Discover New Blogs

Blog commenting is a mechanism through which your blog will get noticed in a pool of thousand plus blogs. So much your blog gets noticed, you’ll also notice new blogs that are very much compatible with your interests.

#2 Blog Readers

The classic reason of blog commenting is to receive readers. If you leave valuable comments, there is every possibility that visitors of that article or blog will click on your profile. Since profile is linked with the blog, your blog will receive readers.

#3 Blog Subscribers

If your article can impress first-time visitors, they’ll subscribe your blog via email subscription or social media page to stay in your loop. This shall guarantee consistent visits from them. 

#4 Back-link Sources

When your blog has a large number of readers and subscribers, one or two of them will surely refer your posts or ideas by giving links in their posts. This can be a source of back-links for your blog which is very important for SEO purposes.

#5 Blog Searches

When your blog has good number of readers, subscribers and also praiseworthy back-links, your blog will also appear as search results in queries submitted by readers via different search engines. 

#6 Exposure

Your blog will get exposure in the cyberspace. You as a person behind it will also get exposure in blogging world and get opportunities in learning many from other bloggers.

#7 Blog Rank

What shall determine the rank of a blog? Obliviously, readers, subscribers, traffics and back-links. When your blog has acquired all of them, your blog’s rank will also improve.

#8 Interactions

Blog commenting is one of the most beneficial models of interactions among bloggers. It’s often through comments, we get to know new bloggers and become friends online. 

#9 Problems-solutions Sharing

When you get to know more blogger friends and then interactions pick up the pace, we often get answers for our questions and solutions for our problems. You can connect with other successful bloggers. You can learn or help others in learning.

#10 Work Appreciations

When you leave a comment, it is a sign that you read, analyzed, cared and appreciated the views or solutions presented by the author. Unless you leave comment, how can the author know you read it or even cared to read it? So commenting is a proof of your appreciation for his/her works.

#11 New Ideas

Blog commenting has been one of the sources of new ideas for my blog posts. When a reader leaves comment with his/her doubts or problem, I can develop a post to address that problem or answer that question.

#12 Opportunities

When you are active in reading a blog or leaving comment, more often than not, that blog owner will feel that you are so much interested in him or her blog. To thank you for your constant support, you’ll be given a chance for guest blogging, invite for workshops or conference which will help you introduce your blog to a wider audience.

#13 Social Profile

When you are active in blog commenting, more and more people will come to know more about you online. They may follow you various social networking sites which thereby will improve your social profile.

#14 Community Building

When you get good number of friends in your various social network circles, more and more people will start coming together with you. This will in long-run functioning as some sort of online community.

#15 Brand Image

You have good number of readers, followers, subscribers and commentors in your blog just because you are consistent with blog commenting, the voice of your blog will be heard far and wide. This in turn helps you in maintaining the brand image of your blog.  
So, now how to leave a comment?
It’s very easy. Scroll down to the bottom of a post for which you want to leave a comment. Fill up the details, type your comment and click on Post Comment. Easy!

When you leave a comment, don’t be in too rush and leave un-related comment. And also don’t leave single-worded comment which blog owner won’t publish it as publishing that one-worded comment will be as good as having no comment. Read: The Smart Methods of Commenting in Posts of other Blogs.

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