Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Why it's high time to activate https in your blogspot blogs?

We aren't being bothered by whether our blogs' URLs are https enabled or not till now. Though blogspot works in both modes, https enabled mode ensures content security of blogs. The possibility of the blogs' contents getting hacked will be lower if URLs are https enabled. Every web designing expert will know the reasons.
If you care about your blog contents security, it like necessary to have https enabled for your blog. 

It has now become doubled necessity to enable our blogs' urls into https mode. Because Google have started considering https as a ranking signal. If you don't activate your blog's url into https mode, it not only risk the security of the blog's content but will also reduce Google's search ranking of the blog. Google has issued this notice in their Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

Therefore, it will safer on our side to have our blogs' urls https activated. To have this in your blog, follow the given steps:
  1. Login to blogger account
  2. Select the blog (if you've many)
  3. Click drop-down menu
  4. Select security button
  5. Select Basics
  6. Scroll down to HTTPS Settings
  7. Right to HTTPS Availability, select YES
In step#7, if there is already YES, then your blog is already https activated. You don't have to do anything. If there is NO, only then you have to select YES from drop-down option.

Once you enable https in your blog, just below that menu, a warning of something like, 'HTTPS will not be available for blogs with a custom domain'. This warning for bloggers having personalized domain name. If you don't have one, you can just ignore it. 

1 comment:

  1. Really nice explained. I have now activated https settings to my blog -


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