Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2015

How to remove Attribution Links from your Blogs?

You might have noticed that when you open a blog in blogger/blogspot, one or two non-editable attribution links always appear either on sidebar or in footer. One of such attribution links is given below:

When you click on its edit option, there won't be any button from where we can either hide it temporarily or remove it permanently. 

But don't worry, we can do it so by doing some editions in HTML in our blog template. So to get it let us consider the following steps:

When you open the given attribution from its edit button, the address of this particular link will be given in its URL tab-something like attribution 1 or attribution 2. Keep that noted and go to edit HTML of your blog. 

When you open the HTML part of your blog theme and search typing the URL address of the link, you'll find it embedded in the blog theme HTML. It will appear something like:

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
          <b:includable id='main'>
    <b:if cond='data:feedbackSurveyLink'>
      <div class='mobile-survey-link' style='text-align: center;'>

When we look in the nature of above attribution, we can say that it's being locked from doing any editing. That's why we cannot remove it. In above if we make 'Locked='False'' from being True, we can remove it from home page of our blog. Make True into False and save it. 

Once it's being saved, open your blog once more and click on its edit button. There one option to remove will appear. Click on that. Your attribution will be removed from your blog thereby giving clean and professional looks. It's easy. Keep learning and blogging. Cheers!

How to hide related post from blogger front page?

In former tutorial we have learnt how to add a related post widget using LinkWithin. In that if you're really observant, you must have found out that related post not only appears on your front page but also in your post page.

It's good - readers are persuaded to open related post twice. But it appears little bit unprofessional. If we remove it from home page makes it to appear only when readers open post, things will appear clean and professional. 

Therefore, in this tutorial let us learn how to hide this widget from homepage and make visible only when readers open a post page. To get this, follow the given steps:

If you have already added this widget, remove it. To do this, open a layout of your blog and click on edit button of this LinkWithin widget. 

Once removal is done, re-install this widget once more. All the steps remain same until the widget opens to Add Page Element.

When add page element is being opened, click on Edit Template and in there you'll find the given HTML:
<b:includable id="main"><data:content /></b:includable>

If we keep this code as it is, then related post will appear in in homepage as well as in post page of your post. But if you want to hide it from the homepage, replace above code with:

<b:includable id="main"><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:content /></b:if></b:includable>

Once it's being replaced, click on add Widget button. All the steps from there will remain same just like I have explained in earlier post. Hope you got it right. Cheers!

How to add a related post widget in your blog

If you want to increase traffic of your blog, adding related post widget is one of the options. It can be added manually as well as through other third parties. There are many parties that provide such widgets. But LinkWithin is the most popular. 

Therefore, let us today learn how to add related posts in your blog from LinkWithin. But be reminded that this isn't compatible with free wordpress domain. It supports only free blogspot domains and other third party domains. Since we are in free blogger domain, let us learn how to add it in our blogs professionally.

Login to your blog>Open new tab>Open LinkWithin (>Fill up all the details in it>Click Get the Widget>Click Install Widget>Add Widget>It will open the Layout of your blog>See if it has appeared in there>Drag and drop just below the post body of your blog>Save the arrangement.

Once you completed above steps, related post will appear just below every post of your blog. This will help readers to navigate to many posts when just one post is being opened. Hope you got it right. Cheers!  

How to add HTML box in a Blogger post

When CSS or HTML codes are to be added in template of our blog, that is quite easy and convenient. But when such codes are to be added as part of our blog post article, things start becoming little bit harder to adjust. 

But don't worry, I will give a detail steps to add such codes beautifully and in professional way in your blog. But before that we have to add one code in your blogger template.

Login to your blog>Click on Template>Click on Edit HTML>Find (CTRL+F): ]]></b:skin> and Above it add the given code:
/* Code Box
----------------------------------------------- */

.code {
border: solid #5C7B90;
border-width: 1px 1px 1px 20px;
color: #000000;
font: 13px 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
line-height: 16px;
margin: 10px 0 10px 10px;
max-height: 200px;
min-height: 16px;
overflow: auto;
padding: 10px 10px 10px; width: 90%;
.code:hover {
background: #FAFAFA;

Once you have added it correctly, click on SAVE TEMPLATE button and then start writing a post article as usual.

When you want to add HTML/CSS code, view your post in HTML version and add the given HTML code wherever you wants it to be displayed:

<div class="code">

Once again view your post article in Compose version. See if YOUR CODES SHOULD BE PASTED HERE appears there. Replace it with your code and then click on preview. If things are in manner as you wants, then you may publish your post. Hope you got it right. Cheers!

How to make blog archive as a blog page

We can only have our blog archives as a widget in sidebar. This is by default. If you have been in blogging for quite a long time and your blog contains quite a good number of posts, this facility goes beyond track of what we wanted. Our sidebars get stretched unnecessarily. 
Therefore, it would be quite nice and professional if we can make archives as one of our pages. Readers can click on that tab to get all the titles of all the posts till date on one page. This not only gives professional looks for our blogs but also shortens the length of our sidebar.

It's very easy to have this in your blog. There aren't anything much to be done. Just follow the following steps: 
  1. Login to your blog
  2. Click on Pages 
  3. Click on New Page
  4. Give the title i.e may be Archives
  5. Click on HTML
  6. Delete all those codes present there
  7. Copy this given code and paste it 
  8. <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script src="YOUR BLOG URL/feeds/posts/default?max-results=500&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=LoadTheArchive">
  9.  In above, you can find YOUR BLOG URL, replace it with your blog's URL 
  10. Once replaced, click on Publish
  11. New page with title (Archives) will appear in your blog
If you want to display all the posts till date to your readers, this serves better option. It also displays post dates, time and years for every post including post titles. Hope you got it right. Cheers!

To remove Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) link

In my earlier post, I have given steps to remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Link from your blog. And today I will give steps to remove similar unwanted link: Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) from your blog.

We also don't know its uses. It appears when you open a post. It will annoyingly remain at the bottom of every post page until it's being removed. If you know its uses and is suppose to be helpful, you may retain it. But if you don't know its uses and thinks that it's better being removed, follow the steps:
  1. Login to your blog
  2. Click on Template
  3. Click on Edit HTML
  4. Give one click anywhere in those codes
  5. Find (CTRL+F): <b:include data='post.feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/> 
  6. Delete it
  7. Click on Save Template
You can open your blog once more and click on the title of any post. Hope it doesn't appear at the bottom of the post. If it doesn't appear there, it won't appear in any other posts. How is that? Isn't it clean and profession! Cheers! 

How to remove ‘Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Link

This link appears below the post body. We never know what its uses are. Yet it annoyingly appears there. If you know its uses and think it's useful, you may keep it as it is. But I think most of us would love to have it removed from our blog. If you're one of such people, please follow the given steps to remove it from your blog:
  1. Login to your blog
  2. Go to Template
  3. Click on Edit HTML
  4. Once click on those codes
  5. Find (CTRL+F) : <b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>
  6. Delete above code
  7. Click on Save Template
In some templates, this code usually appears twice. If it's also the case with your template, make sure to remove the first one. Hope you've removed that link. Cheers! 

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