Friday, October 23, 2015

IBB 04: Kinley Wangmo, another new blogger from Bhutan

Bhutanese Bloggers' Community is increasing. Every day new bloggers are realizing their passions for writing and entering blogging community.  This is wonderful. But when those new bloggers are young and enthusiastic Bhutanese youths, it makes more wonderful.  Youths are suppose to be an embodiment of Generation-Y ideas. 

I have recently discovered such blogger. Her name is Kinley Wangmo, a recent Sherubtse College graduate. She blogs at My Outlook of Life. If you haven't read her blog yet, you must check it out. The way she writes; natural and frank, will not fail to impress you. Since I am also impressed by her, I couldn't avoid to interview and then request to share her stories and experiences of blogging.  
1. Welcome to my Blogger Interview Series. Thank you for accepting my request and caring to give your responses.
Thank you Sherab. It is more than an honor for me to be getting interviewed for IBB. I am a new but an inactive blogger. I am not quite sure if I stand fit to be interviewed. But thank you for the support and opportunity.

2. Can you please tell us how you fist came to know about blogging. Did anyone help you in opening your blog? 
I have always been a keen reader and have read a lot of blogs since 2011. Bhutanese were starting to blog and their blogs were interesting ones. I always wanted to write and blog but I was scared as to thinking who would care to read my stories. But then when I was in Sherubtse College, my tutor Barbara Elizabeth Steward made it compulsory for all the students to create a blog. I was the most excited and I had a blog finally. I must say, she helped me a lot in my blog with all her honest feedbacks. My initial posts were mainly news features about Kanglung. I later changed it and today it stands as my say. 

3. Does anyone from your family know that you’re a blogger?
Well, my family knows that I write. And it seems some of them have been reading my blog recently. So, it seems they know I blog.

4. Can you give the three secrets of your life that you have never shared with your blog readers?
Three secrets.
#1 I have so much more written and saved than posted on my blog.  
#2 Whatever I blog have two meanings. 
#3 All my blogs have the closest association to me and it depicts who I am. 

5. When you first started your blog what was the main problem?
The main problem was not knowing what to post next. Many other bloggers were posting social issues and interesting things around them. I had none. So, it’s always a challenge for new bloggers like me- What’s next? What now? Now, I have my own style and my own idea/concept/theme for my blog, I initially lacked.

6. Do you think short-term trainings on web designing, coding, online marketing etc are needed to become a blogger?
I had none of the trainings and I still blog so I don’t think it is necessary. But on the brighter side, it would be an excellent way forward for many if taught.

7. What kinds of comment in your blog really annoy you?
I haven’t received annoying comments as of now and I don’t expect any. But any comments disrespecting my individuality, my family, my friends or my country will piss me off. I believe that if you can’t appreciate then at least don’t depreciate an individual and his voice. Your right to express cannot and should not become a nuisance for someone else. 

8. Bhutan’s present prime minister is also active blogger from Bhutan. Can you say his party won 2013 election just he is popular in Internet?
Honorable Prime Minster is an active blogger and his blogs have always left me amazed. I am not sure if Internet popularity made him win. His presence on social media would have had impact on his political career. Being online means being approachable and democracy for me seems being accessible to your people. I cannot say his party won because of it.  I am not a political pundit so I would just say it might have had an impact on the election results.

9. Do you have future plans for your blog?
I have a lot of plans for my blog right now. I want to write more; express more and if possible entertain people by my writing. I want to make new friends who would read and understand me. I want to inspire people to express themselves. I am also planning to add photographs, short clips and radio dramas I have made in my blog. So, lots of plan is going on in my mind.

10. What will be the one thing that you think person entering into blogging shouldn’t do for first few months?
I personally think you shouldn’t expect too many readers instantly. If you are good, people will read you and if one reads you its okay. You still have to write and express yourself.
It’s my personal view that your first post shouldn’t be a social issue post. Well, I think unless you are a very knowledgeable person who has done a lot of research and have the complete idea about it, don’t pen it. You are posting it on the internet where everyone can see it. Don’t risk your credibility with your first writing.
Lastly, keep writing and keep reading my blog. This is all I can say. Thank you for the opportunity. If you have other queries please let me know. 

Final Words
Thank you Kinley for sharing your experiences with us. Please continue blogging and let us see how far we can travell together blogging. And my readers, if you want to remain in circle with Kinley Wangmo, follow her in Facebook and Blog-My Outlook of Life


  1. How nice that so many people from your country are getting involved with blogging. It's a nice way to connect with people from around the world.

  2. Thank you I enjoyed reading the interview transcript. I am glad many Bhutanese are now taking on writing and sharing which is a great way of connecting with the wider audience within and outside of Bhutan.

    One should never stop writing and learning; wisdom gained through learning should always be shared. I always say write what you want but think what you share as it is potentially read by anyone.

    Here is my blog where I write whatever interests me:

  3. Keep sharing, i just love your writing.


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